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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Realistic Composition from Photos

Rose Greeting Card, use realistic composition from photosI am fascinated by photographs. I take a lot of photos and examine composition in them. I find it interesting that some objects show only partly in the photos. This little detail gives realistic look for illustrations too.

Half Cut Elements, Fuzzy Background

As you can guess I have more peonies than roses in my garden but in greeting cards, I have to admit, roses look great. In this card, I applied my photographic studies. It includes not only half cut elements but also the fuzzy background to add dimension and depth. To create an imaginary world that looks like it really exists – that’s my dream!

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2 thoughts on “Realistic Composition from Photos

  1. Ihana työ. Terälehtien erilaisuus, kaikki yksityiskohdat ja silti rikkumattoman eheä. Musta on tullut “päivittäisasiakas” blogissasi. Olet taiteilija, työsi ovat kiehtovia ja niin täynnä yksityiskohtia, ettei niihin kertakaikkiaan väsy ollenkaan.

    1. Thank you – kiitos ihanasta kommentistasi! Et voi tietää miten ihanaa oli lukea tuo!

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