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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Creative Friday!

Ready for creating, organised creative space with art supplies by Peony and Parakeet
Friday evenings are the best! I go to the library room of our house and start creating. And yes, it’s always this clean before I begin and also after I have finished. I love creating when everything is in order. I also like to see the art supplies I am using.

Electric pencil sharpenerAt the front of the big photo there’s the only electrical vanity item that I can’t give up: an electric pencil sharpener! After I bought it I have used my colored pencils more than ever. The pencils are always sharp as it’s so fun to sharpen them after using them. My model is Derwent universal sharpener that has 5 holes for various sized pencils.


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6 thoughts on “Creative Friday!

    1. Peggy, thanks! The halogen lamp is Danish design, bought in the 90s in Helsinki. I love it too!

    1. Thank you! When I first saw an electric pencil sharpener I thought it is a joke! But it’s better than what you would think first!

  1. I love your work! Thank you so much for sharing. I have started trying to do some art journaling and your blog has been a big help. Can you please tell me what kind of colored pencils you use? Oh, and I just bought some acrylic paint yesterday to work with 🙂

    1. Thanks, Diane! How wonderful that you have started art journaling! And I am happy that I have been able to help you! I use three kinds of colored pencils. 1) Garan d’Ache Pablo, they have wax like soft finish 2) Derwent Inktense, strong colors and water soluble, 3) Derwent Coloursoft, easy to use and add in layers. With watercolors, colored pencils and acrylics you can do almost anything! Plus a few Faber-Castel PITT Artist pens and a correction pen, and there’s no limit at all! (Maybe I should write a longer blog about the supplies …) Happy creating and remember that the more often you art journal, the easier it will be!

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