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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Facebook Live Watercolor Painting

Watercolor journal page by Paivi Eerola. You can see her painting this one in a live session that's on Peony and Parakeet's Facebook page.

Here’s the watercolor painting that I painted yesterday on Facebook Live while chatting away. You can find the recording on Peony and Parakeet’s Facebook page, go to Live Videos!

I had a wonderful audience, and many have posted their versions too in the thread, so it’s definitely worth checking out!

Watercolor Journey begins on July 1st!

Watercolor Journey - an online art class by Paivi Eerola from Peony and Parakeet

My online class Watercolor Journey will begin on Sunday, July 1st. If you want to fall in love with watercolors, you don’t want to miss this class! Sign up here!

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