Color the Emotion

Pick a few colors and create without stiffness.

Combining Acrylics with Watercolors in Art Journaling

Art journal page, house and garden

This summer has been sunny and warm in Finland. It has been great to spend time outdoors, gardening! Our garden is still work in progress. I think about it constantly. And it shows here in this art journal page, as well as the hot summer days!

Art journal page, house and garden, a detail

I love the combination of acrylics and watercolors. They make a great background. Start with the acrylics, leave some unpainted areas and the add watercolor to them.

I continued by adding some handdrawn papers and wrote: “For someone this would be only a house and a garden but for us it’s the whole world.

Coming up in Espoo, Finland: art journaling courses by Peony and Parakeet (in Finnish). The first evening (19th September) is about creating pages about landscapes and places!

8 thoughts on “Combining Acrylics with Watercolors in Art Journaling

  1. Dearest Paivi,
    I’ve been away for a while, but it’s so marvelous to see your beautiful creativity. Your work is my garden!
    Thinking of you and wishing we could share a cup of tea! Hope you are doing well,

  2. Ihania ihania juttuja. Voisin jäädä luomiisi maailmoihin vaikka lopuksi ikää. Pistää omat sakset ja paperit pussiin ja ihastella töitäsi – olet todella taitava ja värimaailmasi ja vesivärien käyttösi aivan taivaallista- KIITOS!

    1. Thank you – kiitos! Ajattelen niin, että me kaikki voimme luoda oman mielikuvitusmaailmamme ja siellä kaikki asiat voi olla juuri niin kuin haluamme!

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