Delicious Colors – Salvage Them!

I have never been overly enthusiastic about bright reds, but now seems to be the time. I feel that in this black world, we need to salvage the delicious colors and amplify them with sugary decorations!
Finding Comfort from Delicious Colors
In the evenings, while waiting for the news around the world to be gathered, I paint in my little studio room. The more I think about the sad statistics, the more I want to create the opposite – a careless world with deliciously tasty and juicy colors.

My studio is now like a sweet bakery, and as the main cook, I have lots of motivation to create!
Delicacies from DecoDashery!

What first was just one little painting, has now grown to resemble a series that expresses an imaginary world. I call this world as DecoDashery, inspired by the old haberdashery from the movie Emma. DecoDashery will also be the next class that I am building, hoping to release it within a couple of months!
You Can Always Start Small!

As usual, I haven’t made paintings only, but also collage pieces to my boxes of joy.

Delicious Meringues, Lace, and Porcelain
Now when my husband is working from home too, we eat together more than ever. Fortunately, he can cook! I have never been into that so much. But my specialties are side dishes and desserts, and it’s been fun to make one good meal in a day and combine our skills.

I had never made strawberry meringues, but a recipe from a knitting magazine caught my eye. Strawberries, an old plate, and a hand-crocheted lace doily were all as essential as the meringues themselves.
My current oil painting has progressed well too. Even if there’s a lot of work left, I get a lot of pleasure from working on it. Salvaging all the deliciousness of the random shapes feels so good.

Doesn’t the painting look strangely similar to the meringues, lace, and porcelain? The world of Decodashery is expanding!
Meaningless Has Given Me a New Meaning
It’s kind of funny that when I decided to remove deeper meaning from my work for a while, I feel that my art the overall creative process has become more meaningful than ever.

It’s like I have released the beast that I have always quietly carried with me, and once I have seen it eye to eye, it has become my angel in the crisis.
8 thoughts on “Delicious Colors – Salvage Them!”
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Päivi, you are so right! Art doesn’t always have to be too serious and too meaningful – creating beautiful things with pretty colours is great fun, and it does help us get on in difficult times. I used to make collage art, and I thought it had to be very ambitiuos and deep, but I realized that was too difficult for me. I remember how liberating it was, when I realized that I don’t have to make serious pieces if I don’t want to. So I gave myself permission to create whatever I want – and so for a while all my pieces were pink, with flowers and glossy die cuts and ribbons and buttons. What a joy! – I’m definately looking forward to your new class!
Thank you for your input, Eila!!
täysin upeita värejä Beautiful love the reds
Thank you, Katy, kiitos!!
I love these colors, the look of it.
I also enjoy just moving around the paint a lot. Making a pretty picture besides the surching my soul for what I think about what is happening in the/my world.
Looking foreward for your new class.
Thank you, Marion, it’s nice to hear from you and wonderful that you have been painting!
It is really very delicious, and all with no calories, too! That’s a win, Win!❤️👏👏
In my collection of gouache paints, which I use for all journal work (instead of sticky acrylics!) the colours which accumulate are reds and browns, then dark greens. Yellows all disappear first! But what a great idea to brighten up the world, I love it, veritable feast!
Thank you, Annie! Yes, no calories!