Color the Emotion

Pick a few colors and create without stiffness.

Why Draw in Black and White?

I have often asked myself: “Why draw when you can paint?” And as someone who loves colors, it hasn’t always felt appealing to omit them. Still, one of the biggest things in my artistic development has been to find a connection to my childhood through black-and-white drawings.

Virtual Reality, an illustration drawn in ProCreate using an iPad and an Apple Pen. By Paivi Eerola.
Virtual Reality, drawn in ProCreate using an iPad and an Apple Pen.

In this week’s blog post, I want to inspire you to draw things you love in black and white. If you want to practice ink drawing with me, see these courses: Animal Inkdom and Magical Inkdom!

My Way to Drawing in Black and White

It’s been over thirty years since my father’s death. He was quite distant, but I still vividly remember when he drew horses when I was a child. The horses were not noble and streamlined like in the picture books, but furry sympathetic characters. It was as if my dad really knew these animals.

So it was no wonder that when I participated in the Inktober drawing challenge in 2018, my drawing style borrowed a short hair-like line from my father. You can say that at that time, I fell in love with drawing. Nowadays, I still draw in black and white every time I want to visualize something through my thoughts. I now have an Apple Pen and Procreate, but I sometimes draw on paper as well.

See a quick 4-minute flip-through video about one of my sketchbooks!

See more pictures of the children’s book illustrations: The Beauty of Science – Illustrating a Children’s Book

Why Draw? – Move from One Idea to Many!

Drawing visualizes the invisible and makes us think deeper. First, the idea is wavering and could take any direction. But as the details increase, the big picture also grows. Therefore, it’s important for me to let the pen linger in small areas. I find pleasure in putting tiny pieces in place so that they are part of a bigger story.

Drawing in black and white. Paivi Eerola answers to the question: Why draw and why draw in black and white?
See this drawing finished in the blog post: All Things Necessary in My Artistic Journey

There are two good things about drawing with a thin black marker pen. First of all, the pen mark cannot be erased. You have to figure out how to make the wrong stroke a part of the drawing. It has often happened to me that the core of the picture was created while correcting a mistake. Another advantage is that when you don’t have to worry about colors, you can focus on shapes and patterns in peace. And of course, you can always color the drawing afterward, for example with colored pencils or watercolors.

Why Draw? – Connect Your Art with Your Origin!

I believe that anyone who has drawn for a while will develop an understanding of why they draw. I have a feeling that I was created to express things through ornaments. For me, an ornament is not just a picture, but a whole language. When drawing ornaments, I’m on the border between writing and illustrating, and feel that I am doing something important. As if I belong to those authors to whom poetry appears as pictures.

Black and white ornament. An illustration by Paivi Eerola.

It’s confusing, but this connection between drawing and writing seems to have arisen in me when my father drew a horse. Of course, I didn’t know how to break it down like that as a child, but I now think of my father’s horses as ornaments that summarized the origin of our family. It wasn’t the most elegant possible, but I still wanted to give it wings. Nowadays, every time I draw, I feel close to where I am coming from. I hope that by drawing you too will find wings for your origin!

What would you like to draw? Leave a comment!

Dolls and Angels – Video Blog Post

This week, I have a video blog post for you! I talk about dolls and angels – winter, the new class Doll World and Christmas memories, among other things!

Paivi Eerola and her paper dolls.

You will also see my table at the recent sales event. I hope you enjoy the video!

Dolls and Angels – Watch the Video!

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Inspired by Nature – Finishing a Series of Paintings

This week, I celebrate a big finish – the series of ten nature-inspired oil paintings that I started in July!

Four small oil paintings by Päivi Eerola, Finland. How to plan and finish a series of paintings.

The series has four small, four medium-sized, and two big paintings. All of them are some kind of floral landscapes.

Small Paintings + Video!

I worked from big to small. I like to start the series boldly and then pick ideas from them for smaller pieces. This is the last painting – Rapunzel of the Garden:

Puutarhan Tähkäpää - Rapunzel of the Garden, a small oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Puutarhan Tähkäpää – Rapunzel of the Garden, 20 x 25 cm. See more pics in the Taiko art store!

Because of the small size, this painting required very thin brushes and a lot of precision. Here’s a 1-minute video where you can see me painting it:

These are the rest of the small paintings:

Varjon lohtu - Comfort of the Shadow, a small oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Varjon lohtu – Comfort of the Shadow, 20 x 25 cm. See more pics in the Taiko art store!
Samettikukan sointi - The Sound of the Marigold, a small oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Samettikukan sointi – The Sound of the Marigold, 20 x 25 cm. See more pics in the Taiko art store!
Ruusun henki - The Spirit of the Rose, a small oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Ruusun henki – The Spirit of the Rose, 20 x 25 cm. See more pics in the Taiko art store!

I like the idea of having a secret tiny treasure, so I try to make the small paintings look like that.

Medium-Sized Paintings

The medium-sized paintings are in two parts: two are smaller, and two are bigger. I like to paint “sisters” – so two paintings in a row or at the same time so that they complement each other. It’s an easy way to create variation in the series.

Toivomusten metsä - Forest of Wishes, a medium-sized oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Toivomusten metsä – Forest of Wishes, 40 x 50 cm. See more pics in this blog post!

I like to name each painting of a series so that the titles have some kind of similarities. For example, the previous series all had celestial bodies in their names, and the one before that was a V-series – all the titles started with the letter V. This time, the similarity is not perhaps so evident, but it’s there – all the titles have a genitive form.

Unelmien kevät - The Spring of Dreams, a medium-sized oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Unelmien kevät – The Spring of Dreams, 40 x 50 cm. See more pics in this blog post!

Four seasons are also present in this series. Expressing seasons is an idea that I could repeat in future series too.

Talviyön runoelma - Winter night's Poem, a medium-sized oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Talviyön runoelma – Winter night’s Poem, 60 x 80 cm. See more pics in this blog post!
Currently on display at the exhibition “Talven taikaa” in Galleria K, Vantaa, Finland.

In every series, there are paintings that have seeds for the next one. In this series, I like how abstract I went with Winter Night’s Poem, and the natural look in The Echo of Moss inspires me a lot. These two will set the foundation for the next series.

Sammaleen kaiku - The Echo of Moss, a medium-sized oil painting by Päivi Eerola. read her blog post about creating a series of paintings!
Sammaleen kaiku – The Echo of Moss, 60 x 80 cm. See more pics and a video in this blog post!

Usually, I am exhausted after finishing a series, but this time not so much. I have many ideas and already ordered the canvases. I like to plan the size of the series and the sizes of the paintings beforehand. Before I even begin to make any background studies, I have ideas on interiors they could fit or galleries or exhibitions they could go to, and decide the size based on those.

Big Paintings

Even if all my paintings are my children, I can’t help picking my personal favorite of the series. In this one, it’s Tiger’s Eye.

Tiikerinsilmä - Tiger's Eye, 100 x 80 cm, oil on canvas, by Paivi Eerola, Finland. See her blog post about finishing a series of paintings.
Tiikerinsilmä – Tiger’s Eye, 100 x 80 cm.
Currently on display at the gallery Gumbostrand Konst & Form.
See more pics in this blog post!

Tiger’s Eye is a sister to another big painting – Queen of the Night.

Yön kuningatar - Queen of the Night, 100 x 80 cm, oil on canvas. By Paivi Eerola, Vantaa, Finland.
Yön kuningatar – Queen of the Night, 100 x 80 cm. See more pics in this blog post!

I like the drama in these big paintings.

Nature Inspired The Series of Paintings

Often, people ask an artist: “What inspires you?” and the artist responds, “Nature.”

But I think that it’s really important for an artist to get more specific. For me, it’s the plants – who they want to be and what kind of world they hope to build. I love to imagine what kind of personalities plants have.

A flower girl. Colored pencil art by Päivi Eerola.

In the upcoming class Doll World, the plants become alive as flower girls!

Doll World - an online art class for drawing people in adorable nature-inspired dresses.

Come to draw people in nature-inspired dresses – Sign up here!

Autumn Colorings – Video Blog post!

This week, I have a video blog post for you. I talk about this journal spread that I made for my colored pencil diary, but there are also more autumn colorings, art ideas, and inspiration for creating in the middle of life’s small happenings.

One of the autumn colorings from Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet. A spread from her colored pencil journal.

In the video, I am talking about colored pencils, the upcoming class about paper dolls and human figures, my friend’s artistic success, blooming orchids, Japanese woodblock print style and style development, and I also draw a Halloween pumpkin from start to finish. There are all kinds of autumn news and autumn colorings!

Autumn Colorings – Watch the Video!

I hope this video inspires you to create and give some extra TLC to your colored pencils!

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